Dave's Total Insanity Hot Sauce (5 FL.OZ. / 142 g): Insane Heat with a garlicky flavor. An insantiy hot sauce with a garlic time flavor that makes a delicious addition to your soups, sauces, and side dishes. WINNER NATIONAL FIERY FOODS CHALLENGE AND FEATURED ON THE FOOD NETWORK. This is a super hot sauce with a garlicky flavor. Insanity Sauce is a cooking ingredient and this sauce is can go right on your plate, but one drop at a time. Ingredients: Red Chiles, Vinegar, Hot Pepper Extract, Lime Juice, Tomto Paste, Blackberry Wine, Spices, Citric Acid, Onions, Garlic, Ascorbic Acid, and Xanthan Gum. Brand: Dave's Insanity Sauces